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Do u want to take the peace train?..dont be late

101 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 15.12.2004
En Son On: 16.03.2005 - 14:29
Cinsiyeti: Bayan 
the peace train....islam

it arrives in the station which is this life of ours

but some people arrive too late and miss it, others get in the wrong train, others don't want to take it at all
it's the train whose sirene announces good times for the believers and which is taking people out of the darkness

now come and join the living, it means come and take this train with us, and wake up to life
the ones who are not believers are like dead people

they are unaware of their Creator, they could just as well be dead

now I've been crying lately, thinking about the world as it is

means that even though the train has arrived, there still people who are careless about it and not interested in it
Oh peace train take this country, come take me home again..
from Him we come to Him will be our return
not death but the here-after

that is the true home
this is just the station
that's the destination
Come..let's take the peace train..
Ekleme Tarihi: 12.01.2005 - 00:13
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