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Is Allah close or distant?

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Kayıt Tarihi: 15.10.2003
En Son On: 07.11.2005 - 06:47
Cinsiyeti: Erkek 
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful...
The Absolutely Powerful One creates things with such ease and speed, with such facility and lack of trouble, that it appears and is understood that He creates with a mere command. Also, although the All-Powerful Maker is infinitely close to beings, they are infinitely distant from him. Furthermore, despite His infinite might and glory, attaching importance to them, He sets in order also the most insignificant and lowly matters, and does not leave them outside the beauty of His art. Thus, the perfect order within absolute ease observed in beings testifies to the existence of this Qur'anic truth, and so too the following comparison demonstrates its meaning and wisdom. For example, And God's is the highest similitude, the duties the sun displays through the Dominical command and Divine subjugation, which is like a dense mirror to the Divine Name of Light among the All-Glorious Maker's Most Beautiful Names, brings this truth closer to the understanding. It is as follows:
Although through its elevatedness, the sun is infinitely close to all transparent and shining things, rather is closer to them than their own selves, and although it has an effect on them in numerous ways like through its manifestation, its image, and power of disposal, those transparent things are thousands of years distant from it, they can in no way have an effect on it, they cannot claim to be close to it. Also, the sun's being as though present and all-seeing in all transparent particles, and wherever its light enters even, is understood through the sun's reflection and its image in some respect being apparent in accordance with the particles' capacities and colours. Furthermore, the sun's comprehensiveness and penetration increase to the vast extent of its luminosity. It is because of the greatness of its luminosity that the tiniest things cannot hide or escape from it. This means that its immense vastness does not exclude things through the mystery of luminosity; on the contrary, it takes them within the sphere of its comprehension. Moreover, if to suppose the impossible we were to imagine the sun to act with will in the tasks and manifestations its displays, with Divine permission it would function with such ease and speed and breadth in things from particles and droplets and the surface of the sea to the planets, that it would be supposed that it performed these mighty disposals through a mere command. A particle and a planet would be equal before its command. The effulgence it would bestow on the surface of the sea, it would bestow also with perfect order on a particle in accordance with its capacity.
Thus, we see that the sun, which is a luminous bubble in the seas of the skies and a small and dense mirror to the manifestation of the Absolutely Powerful One's Name of Light, observedly displays examples of the three principles of this truth. And so, we surely believe with complete certainty as though witnessing it that the All-Glorious One, Who is the Light of Light, the Illuminator of Light, the Determiner of Light, and in comparison to Whose knowledge and power the sun's light and heat is like earth, is all-present and all-seeing and infinitely close to all things with His knowledge and power, and that things are utterly distant from Him, and that He does things with such ease and facility that it is understood that He creates with the ease and speed of a mere command, and that nothing at all, great or small, particular or universal, can go out from the sphere of His power, and that His greatness encompasses all things. And this has to be believed.
Ekleme Tarihi: 10.03.2004 - 10:55
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