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Does anybody remember the oath of the souls? Alıntı yaparak cevapla

326 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 15.10.2003
En Son On: 07.11.2005 - 06:47
Cinsiyeti: Erkek 
Peace be upon you...
Does anybody remember the oath of the souls (qalu bela)?
How should be the interpretation of that event?
(Elestu bi Rabbikum?
Qalu bela)
Kind regards.
Ekleme Tarihi: 16.10.2003 - 08:51
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((( ... ))) su an offline ((( ... )))  
Alıntı yaparak cevapla

2338 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 19.09.2003
En Son On: 03.08.2006 - 01:19
Cinsiyeti: ----- 
Thank you for this beautiful writing Brother,

May Allah bless you with His Merci and Peace

Kindest regards

Esselamu Alaikum
Ekleme Tarihi: 16.10.2003 - 13:28
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Themenicon    s.a Alıntı yaparak cevapla

2338 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 19.09.2003
En Son On: 03.08.2006 - 01:19
Cinsiyeti: ----- 
Essalamu alaikum Brother

Its nice to hear from you. I wonder what kind of an explanation you want me to give. If it is about Qalu Bela, I could Preferably talk about it for hours. If you make a short portfolio or a list of your questions I would be happy to try to answer them all. You can also write down your questions to "the Forum".

May Peace be upon you and All of Our sisters and brothers.

Kindest Regards..

Ekleme Tarihi: 17.10.2003 - 14:48
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