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Themenicon    Ya Rasulullah

2338 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 19.09.2003
En Son On: 03.08.2006 - 01:19
Cinsiyeti: ----- 
Ya Rasulullah by Selma Degtas

I cannot help my tears
When I hear about your death
Your sayings to Fatima
That she will join you the soonest

I cannot help my tears
I cannot hide
Somebody whispers into my ear
He is not dead, his soul is alive

I cannot help my tears
When I think how far away I am
From you; even in my dreams,
Waiting for a sign, even the slightest

I cannot help my tears
How can I teach my children your love,
When I know nothing of it?
For what I feel smallest

I cannot help my tears
Ya Rasulallah, I still hope
To meet you in the paradise
For I ask for it from The Greatest.

Ekleme Tarihi: 19.04.2004 - 02:01
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Devadam su an offline Devadam  
Within the allowable limits of a great poet

326 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 15.10.2003
En Son On: 07.11.2005 - 06:47
Cinsiyeti: Erkek 
Congratulations to Selma Degtas.

The poem seems to be reflecting the very inner feelings of a sincere muslimah.

I do not deserve such a good poem.

Waiting for the other poems by good muslims...
Ekleme Tarihi: 22.04.2004 - 15:25
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