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SHaDeeD su an offline SHaDeeD  
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Aisha says that once 11 women assembled and made an agreement, that each of them would describe the true state of their husbands without hiding any facts.

FIRST WOMAN: My husband is like the meat of a useless camel. And the meat also put on top of a mountain which is difficult to climb. The road to the top is not easy so that it may be possible to climb it, nor is the meat of such worth, that because of it one should separate it into a hundred portions and bring it down.

SECOND WOMAN: I fear that if I begin to describe his faults there will be no end to it. If I begin I will have to mention all of his inner and outer faults.

THIRD WOMAN: My husband is an Ashannaq (i.e. a tall man, the statement is that 'tall men are stupid' which is what is implied here). If I ever comment on anything he will immediately say talaaq (i.e. divorce), if I keep silent, I just hang around

FOURTH WOMAN: My husband is mild mannered, like the nights of Tihaamah. He is neither hot nor cold, nor is there anything to fear of him, nor any displeasure.

FIFTH WOMAN: When my husband comes into the house, he becomes a cheetah, and when he goes out, he becomes a lion. He does not care to investigate what happens in the house.

SIXTH WOMAN: When my husband eats, he eats everything. When he drinks, he does not leave anything. When he sleeps, he sleeps in his own sheet. He does not even touch me, so that he can know the disturbance in my mind.

SEVENTH WOMAN: My husband is impotent and unmanly.He is such a dunce that he cannot even speak. Whatever sickness a person has in this world, he posses it. His manners are such that he may break my head or injure my body, or do both.

EIGHTH WOMAN: My husband is soft like a rabbit when I touch him. His smell is like the fragrance of Saffron. I dominate him, and he dominates all other people. My domination is not due to his humbleness, because he dominates others. My domination is because of love, of the politeness in him.

NINTH WOMAN: My husband is of a high status (i.e. either a big house, or a house on high ground where travelers could come and stay because of their generosity as per Arab custom), generous, hospitable, owner of a high dwelling. He has allot of ashes. He is tall built. His home is near the majlis and Darul Mashwarah (House of Counsel).

TENTH WOMAN: My husband is Maalik, and what can I say about Maalik? He is more generous than all of those who have been praised, or he is more praiseworthy than all the praises I shower on him. He owns many herds of camels, which are kept near the house. They are seldom taken out for grazing. When the camels hear the sound of the mizhar, they are sure that their end is near. [Significance of the camels not going out to graze is that if the were grazing time would be lost to bring them back to the home, instead they were kept near the house so that when a guest would come, a camel could easily be slaughtered and fed to them, this is the meaning of his generosity, that he was swift in being generous. As for the mizhar, this is an instrument. When a guest arrives they are usually served with a drink and something small to eat. When it is time for the main course, the mizhar was sounded, the meal time grew near, and that the camels would know that one of them would then be slaughtered for the meal]

ELEVENTH WOMAN: My husband was Abu Zara, and how can I praise Abu Zara? He made my ears bow with jewels. he made my sides by feeding me well. He kept me so happy and contended, that due to self admiration and haughtiness I thought I was virtuous. he found me from such a poor home that lived with hardship, owning only a few goats for a living. From there he brought me to such a prosperous family who owned, horses, camels, oxen for ploughing, and gardeners, and he did not criticise or scold me for anything. I slept late in the morning and no one was allowed to wake me up. Food was so abundant that after fulfilling myself I just left it. The mother of Abu Zara, in what way can I praise her? Her huge cooking utensils were always full. Her house was very spacious (i.e. she was very generous). The son of Abu Zara, in what manner can I praise him? He was also light upon light, he was so think and skinny that his ribs were like the branch from a sword. A side of lamb was enough to fill his stomach (he didn't need to eat allot to be happy). The daughter of Abu Zara, how can I praise her? She obeys her mother and father. She is fat and healthy, and a jealousy for the second wife (i.e. if her husband took another wife no matter who he married the second wife would always be jealous of her). And how can I praise the slave girl of Abu Zara? She never gossiped about our house affairs to anyone. She did not even use foodstuffs without permission. She did not let the house become dirty or untidy but kept it clean. One day while the utensils were being churned, Abu Zara went out of the house. he came across a woman with two cheetah like children playing with pomegranates. He lover her so much, that he divorced me, and married her. Subsequently I married another chief and noble man, who was a prince and a soldier. He showered on me many gifts. And from each type of animal (i.e. cow, goat, camel, etc) he presented me a pair and said to me 'Eat as much as you want for yourself, and send as much as you want to your parents'. The fact is, that even if I add up all of his good qualities they will not begin to match the smallest good thing that Abu Zara bestowed upon me.

Hearing these accounts, Prophet Muhammad said to Aisha, "I am to you, as Abu Zara had been to Umm Zara (i.e. his wife)"

[Ref: Shamaa il-Tirmidhi, # 241]
Gönderen: 04.10.2004 - 09:58
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